Talk: The Good Artist – Navigating the Bounds of Acceptance, 24 May 2013, Black Box Publika


The Good Artist: Navigating the Bounds of Acceptance
Sat, 24 May 2013
3 – 4pm at Black Box, Publika

I’ll be on the discussion panel, along with fellow artists Bibi Chew, Intan Rafiza and Yati Kaprawi. The talk will be moderated by Jac SM Kee – feminist, activist, poet and all round smart woman.

Some would say an artist’s role is to convey messages that reflect our surroundings and ourselves as human beings. Whether social critique or visual celebrations of aspects of humanity, art is always made in contexts. How do artists negotiate the boundaries of belonging, meaning and power in the different domains of social, political and cultural life? We invite you to join us in a discussion with a panel of artists from the exhibition to talk about their practice within the framework of themselves as creative practitioners, themselves as members of society, and their negotiations of the landscape of a nation that is deeply invested in defining the boundaries of un/acceptable expression of what makes a “Good Malaysian Woman”.


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