2% Pun Berkira, Ini Jumlah ‘Gaji’ Yang Selayaknya Diterima Surirumah (Siraplimau, 30 Mei 2018)
…pakar berpendapat bahawa masa yang diluangkan beserta kemahiran yang mereka miliki ini sebenarnya melayakkan mereka menerima sekurang-kurangnya RM3,000 sebulan. Bahkan, bergantung pada pelbagai lagi kerja-kerja extra yang mereka lakukan, ‘gaji’ seorang surirumah boleh mencecah USD 115,000 setahun , iaitu sekitar RM 30,000 sebulan.
Time to Care: Gender Equality, Unpaid Care Work and Time Use Survey (Khazanah Research Institute, Oct 2019)
Care work is undervalued despite being the backbone of the economy
Care work nurtures society and supports economic production. Yet much of the value generated by care work cannot be quantified and distributed to the producers of these services as most of it does not have a “price”. Because household activities do not require a market transaction, they are ignored in traditional estimates of an economy. KRI piloted a time use survey (TUS) to measure unpaid care, as the value—and untapped economic potential—of such work is not accurately reflected in Malaysia’s current national statistics. (Executive Summary: Key Takeaways)
ILO calls for urgent action to prevent looming global care crisis (28 June 2018)
Data from 64 countries representing two thirds of the world’s working age population show that 16.4 billion hours per day are spent in unpaid care work – the equivalent to 2 billion people working eight hours per day with no remuneration. Were such services to be valued on the basis of an hourly minimum wage, they would amount to 9 per cent of global GDP or US$11 trillion (purchasing power parity in 2011)
…Women perform 76.2 per cent of total hours of unpaid care work, more than three times as much as men.