Hell Heaven is a fund-raising exhibition for Sisters in Islam (SIS), an NGO which works in advocacy, law reform and promoting justice for women in Muslim societies. They run a legal aid clinic that helps women in need of advice on Islamic family law. I contributed a set of signs I made and carried during the Bersih 5 protest, held on 19 Nov 2016 in Kuala Lumpur. Read more

Documentation of ‘Mandi Bunga/Flower Bath‘ is currently showing at National Visual Arts Gallery in Retrospektif Biennale, an exhibition of artworks that have been in included in biennales around the world. An art biennale (or biennial) is a large-scale exhibition/festival surveying contemporary art forms, trends and developments, occurring once every two years. ‘Biennial’ comes from the… Read more

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Design by Sharon Chin. Developed by Tico