Announcement: I started a newsletter called Smoke Signals: https://smokesignals.sharonchin.com! It’s a brand new home for the Blog and News sections of this site.
I’ve been blogging (never as regularly as I liked) about my art practice on here for more than ten years. The site has become wild and sprawling, and updating it has felt like a chore for awhile now. I’m not abandoning it though! All the old posts will stay up, and I’ll continue to archive my artworks in the WORK section.
Please come over to Smoke Signals, where I’ll be sending newsletters on topics like:
- Gardening
- Taking care of an old house
- Repairing and mending stuff
- Making art
- Small town scene reports
- Coastal mangroves scene reports
- Experimental ecology
- Local flora and fauna
- Practicing with the mind
- Neighbourhood organizing
- Malaysian art and culture
- Decolonial, leftist and anarchist politics
- Fossil fuels and the energy industry
- Reseller culture on Carousell
- Costume design in Malaysian cinema
It would mean the world to me if you subscribed.
Thanks for being here, and I’ll see you there!