Free Ali Abdul Jalil #BebasAli #FreeAli


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Ali Abdul Jalil is a student activist arrested under multiple charges of Sedition for allegedly insulting the Malaysian monarchy.

He was arrested on 8 Sept, released later that day after posting bail and immediately rearrested on further charges of Sedition. He spent 15 days in Sungai Buloh prison where he was allegedly abused by the authorities – punched, slapped and hit with a baton and rubber pipe in an empty room.

He was released on bail on 23 Sept, promptly rearrested and sent to Johor Bahru Selatan prison, where he is currently under detention. He has been in jail without trial for 20 days.


Gerakan Hapus Akta Hasutan (GHAH)’s press release condemning the torture of Ali Abdul Jalil  can be read here.

Amnesty International Malaysia‘s TAKE ACTION page is here, where you can find sample letters to send to the Prime Minister, Attorney General and Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia calling for Ali’s immediate release.

Solidarity Mahasiswa Malaysia is calling for a #FreeAli flashmob tomorrow 28 Sept (SUN) at Masjid Jamek 1pm, Sogo 3pm, and Temerloh, Melaka 1pm. Follow their twitter for more updates.


Read this: Seven things to know about the Sedition Act

Join this: Gerakan Hapus Akta Hastan

Follow this hastag: #MansuhAktaHasutan