Creatures of Near Kingdoms is an illustrated bestiary of 75 imaginary Southeast Asian plants and animals. In this conversation, the creators Zedeck Siew & Sharon Chin will share their observations about the natural world; the way this region relates to myth, imagination, and the fantastic; and why the local is perhaps the most difficult reality for Malaysians to visit. Read more

Linocut prints from Creatures of Near Kingdoms are part of ‘Seni Cetakan: Seni Sepanjang Zaman / The Art of Printmaking: Lasting Impressions’ at Bank Negara Malaysia Museum and Art Gallery. Exhibition runs from 25 Aug – 25 Nov 2018, Mon – Sun, 10am – 6pm Read more

Hell Heaven is a fund-raising exhibition for Sisters in Islam (SIS), an NGO which works in advocacy, law reform and promoting justice for women in Muslim societies. They run a legal aid clinic that helps women in need of advice on Islamic family law. I contributed a set of signs I made and carried during the Bersih 5 protest, held on 19 Nov 2016 in Kuala Lumpur. Read more

Creative Commons Licence
Design by Sharon Chin. Developed by Tico