Publication: Local Fauna in Little Basket 2016

Excerpts of my on-going collaboration with Zedeck Siew are in Little Basket 2016, an anthology of new Malaysian writing published by Fixi Novo.

Along with ten of Zedeck’s ‘Local Fauna’ short stories are 6 of my linocut illustrations. We’re working towards a book of these fantastic animals and plants, tentatively titled ‘Local Flora, Local Fauna’. The final collection will have 45 animal and 35 plant stories, each accompanied by an illustration.

You can buy Little Basket 2016 online, or at selected bookshops in the Klang Valley.



From Fixi Novo:

Little Basket 2016 is the first of a planned annual literary journal of new Malaysian writing. Unlike similar journals in other countries, is it produced with zero government or corporate funding. Each issue will have a print run of 3,000 and won’t be reprinted. Aside from sales at selected bookshops in Malaysia, it will also be distributed at international bookfairs such as London and Frankfurt.

Editors: Catalina Rembuyan, Lee Ee Leen, Ted Mahsun, Tshiung Han See

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