Sometimes it is good to make things for no reason other than to feel what it’s like to have images and words well up like water in a hole you have dug in the soft earth.













Early in the year, my friend Amanda Nell Eu asked if I wanted to work on her short film. She sent me her script, about the friendship between two teenage girls, set in a Malay kampung. One of them turns into a Pontianak.

Some time ago I’d randomly drawn two characters. I didn’t know who they were, or where they came from, and I still don’t. I gathered they were friends, girls who were in trouble, and caused trouble. In any case, I dumped them in the ‘art for reasons unknown’ folder (an actual folder in my studio, and also, in my head) and forgot about them.




They came crawling out again this year, when my friend Wolf wanted art for his new album. He ended up using other drawings of mine, on account of them being naked ladies, and the album being for all ages. This is them making some dramatic escape to the tune of ‘I Love the Law’, my favorite song on the album.



So they were very alive to me when I became Amanda’s unlikely art director. Seeds of them when into Fatin and Rahmah, Amanda’s two characters. Despite me not knowing the first thing about film-making, AND being a total chicken-shit horror-phobe, Amanda and I worked well together. We have an appreciation for the trouble in girls. Looking at most of my work that sees the light of day, you wouldn’t call it dark, but with Amanda, I found somewhere to put the darkness.

These were my first drawings of Fatin and Rahmah.

lembu_fatin lembu_rahmah

Growing up, I didn’t see many girl-girl partnerships depicted in the culture around me. As an adult, I still don’t. It’s always two guys going off and having adventures: Frodo and Sam, Holmes and Watson, Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin.  When I told Zedeck this, he wrote a series of stories about ‘The Adventures of Sandy and Aina’, loosely based on me and my best friend, some of which ended up published in KL Noir: BLUE, a crime anthology.

Here’s Fatin and Rahmah hanging out in the jungle after school. This was my favorite scene in the film. I got obsessed about the snacks they were eating, and insisted on having this PARTICULAR brand of neon pink cotton candy that you can only find in petrol stations. Also, a PARTICULAR brand of bootleg cigarettes, which my art team went to great lengths to find. By the way, if you’re looking for a production design team in Malaysia, MovArt are amazing, wonderful, the best.


Not coincidentally, the colour palette of the film was pink and green.

lembusketch9 lembusketch11

I imagined Amanda’s Pontianak as wearing a pink satin pajamas set, with long claws and long hair. Amanda wanted a monster who was also a very human girl. Fatin was all hair, all body – an animal comfortable in the world, and at the same time, a girl at war with it.

01 pontianakclaws_drawing1


For a few months I lived with photo reference of bruises, bite marks, severed hands, and a condition called trichotillomania, on my phone.

baldpatch_drawing1 baldpatch_drawing2 bitescarhand_drawing


THE CLAWS. All the better to rip your daddy’s guts out, and feast on them under banana trees, on the night of a full moon!

03-pontianakclaws_drawing3 04-pontianakclaws_drawing4

02 pontianakclaws_drawing2

Before working on this film I’d never seen a story taken apart and put back together so often and in so many ways. It’s amazing that stories can go through this brutal process and come out resembling anything like an edible (sometimes delicious, and even transcendent) sausage.

It’s a constant back and forth between zooming out to see the whole sausage, like this first thumbnail breakdown of the wardrobe and set design for every scene… (I literally can’t remember how many subsequent breakdowns I did, for clothes, for props, for makeup, etc. etc.)


…and filling in the tiniest details of the sausage, like this badge I designed for Rahmah’s school uniform.


Oh I have left out so many steps and all the talented, ridiculously hard-working professionals involved in the making of this sausage (producer, cinematography, lighting, sound, continuity, editing, etc. etc.), to jump right to the end, where you wrap the finished sausage in nice packaging, i.e this poster I designed…


…and hope the people who eat it enjoy it!

‘Lagi Senang Jaga Sekandang Lembu’ will be be screened on ASTRO sometime in 2017.


Here, enjoy some production photos!

Fatin and Rahmah meet at the test shoot:


Fatin in her tree:


This cat wanted to be in the film real bad, and is probably in one of the scenes:


Best art department team a newbie art director could ask for, taking a break at the famous ‘Boyfriend’ fruit shake stall in Broga:


Ella Sandera and Timie Boy, best special effects and make-up team a newbie art director could ask for, working on a totally zonked out Fatin:


Dinner taim:


First draft of the poster, featuring Zedeck:



Update (2 Jan 2017): Here are two extra pages from my sketchbook for this film. They reveal the sometimes crippling self-doubt that is nicer to keep hidden. I decided to include them because I think it may be useful for people to know that it is not easy to be a beginner again. As an artist, context – your body of work – is everything. In the film world, I had no context, and so experienced being someone whose work is unknown, unproven. It’s not a comfortable place to be! I’m grateful to Amanda, our producer Gan, and everyone who worked on this film for taking a chance on me. With some work, some nerve, some luck, and people you believe in, who believe in you – you can forge from the self-doubt something worthwhile.



This is something I started in response to the detention of Maria Chin Abdullah, Chairperson of Bersih 2.0. Bersih is a movement for free and fair elections in Malaysia. Maria was arrested on 18 Nov 2016 under SOSMA (Security Offenses Special Measures Act 2012), a cruel and draconian law that allows for detention without trial. She is being held in an undisclosed location, in a 15 x 8ft windowless cell, in solitary confinement.

I am posting these to my Facebook page, but I will archive them here too, to be accessible across platforms.


#6) 28 Nov 2016 – Maria was released at 4:30pm after 10 days in dentention


This was made as a video. View it here.

Many thanks to Zedeck Siew for assisting.

releaseA releaseB releaseC releaseD

This is something I started in response to the detention of Maria Chin Abdullah, Chairperson of Bersih 2.0. Bersih is a movement for free and fair elections in Malaysia. Maria was arrested on 18 Nov 2016 under SOSMA (Security Offenses Special Measures Act 2012), a cruel and draconian law that allows for detention without trial. She is being held in an undisclosed location, in a 15 x 8ft windowless cell, in solitary confinement.

I am posting these to my Facebook page, but I will archive them here too, to be accessible across platforms.


#5) 27 Nov 2016 – Day 9 in detention


theboxII01 theboxII02 theboxII03 theboxII04

“Also aggravating was the fluorescent security light, which was on 24/7. Even closing my eyes allowed no relief, as its electronic hum was a inescapable reminder of the artificial environment and oppressive conditions to which I was subjected…”


“Yang teruk juga lampu fluorosen yang dibuka 24 jam. Tutup mata pun tidak dapat lega, sebab dengungan elektroniknya menjadi peringatan tegas tentang persekitaran buatan dan keadaan menekan yang dikenakan pada saya…”

Nathan Brewer, 29, “Voices from Solitary”



You are welcome to take part in One Artwork A Day Until Maria is Released challenge. Drawings, songs, poems, fiction, concept art, performance, photos, anything.

\\ Sekiranya mau terima cabaran Satu Karya Setiap Hari Sehingga Maria Bebas, silakan. Lukisan, lagu, puisi, cerpen, konsep, persembahan, foto, apa saja.

Hashtag #bebasMaria #MansuhSOSMA #Art4Maria

This is something I started in response to the detention of Maria Chin Abdullah, Chairperson of Bersih 2.0. Bersih is a movement for free and fair elections in Malaysia. Maria was arrested on 18 Nov 2016 under SOSMA (Security Offenses Special Measures Act 2012), a cruel and draconian law that allows for detention without trial. She is being held in an undisclosed location, in a 15 x 8ft windowless cell, in solitary confinement.

I am posting these to my Facebook page, but I will archive them here too, to be accessible across platforms.

#4) 26 Nov 2016 – Day 8 in detention


thebox01 thebox02 thebox03 thebox04

“I was not physically tortured, but solitary confinement is a psychological kind of torture that doesn’t leave any marks. You get out; people see you’ve survived. Sure, you’re thinner, but otherwise you look OK. But the mental scars are so deep. People who had spent time in solitary were really the only people who could understand what I’d experienced.”

Sarah Shourd, 37, author and prison rights advocate, spent 410 days in solitary in Iran from 2009 – 2010


“Badan saya tidak diseksa, tapi kurungan solitari sejenis penyeksaan psikologi yang tidak meninggalkan tanda. Kau keluar; orang lain lihat kau hidup. Memang kau sudah kurus, selain itu kau nampak OK. Tapi kesan mentalnya begitu dalam. Apa yang saya alami hanya boleh difahami oleh mereka yang pernah habiskan masa dalam solitari.”

Sarah Shourd, 37, penulis dan aktivis hak tahanan – 410 hari dalam kurungan solitari di Iran dari 2009 – 2010



You are welcome to take part in One Artwork A Day Until Maria is Released challenge. Drawings, songs, poems, fiction, concept art, performance, photos, anything.

\\ Sekiranya mau terima cabaran Satu Karya Setiap Hari Sehingga Maria Bebas, silakan. Lukisan, lagu, puisi, cerpen, konsep, persembahan, foto, apa saja.

Hashtag #bebasMaria #MansuhSOSMA #Art4Maria

This is something I started in response to the detention of Maria Chin Abdullah, Chairperson of Bersih 2.0. Bersih is a movement for free and fair elections in Malaysia. Maria was arrested on 18 Nov 2016 under SOSMA (Security Offenses Special Measures Act 2012), a cruel and draconian law that allows for detention without trial. She is being held in an undisclosed location, in a 15 x 8ft windowless cell, in solitary confinement.

I am posting these to my Facebook page, but I will archive them here too, to be accessible across platforms.

#3) 25 Nov 2016 – Day 7 in detention


I made yesterday’s story into a 16-page zine (DIY book) you can print out and distribute!

It fits on an A4 sheet and looks like this:

IMG_2842 IMG_2843 IMG_2845 IMG_2846


To make it, you need the following materials:

– Printer
– A4 paper
– Scissors
– Stapler


1) Print out the images below on two sides of one sheet of A4 paper. Click images to open in a new window and right click to save to your computer.





Here is the layout for the pages, so you can see what goes where:






2. Fold the paper in half



3. Fold it in half again

IMG_2831 IMG_2832


4. Fold it in half one last time



4. Staple the center




5. Cut off the top and right edges and you have a zine!







You are welcome to take part in One Artwork A Day Until Maria is Released challenge. Drawings, songs, poems, fiction, concept art, performance, photos, anything.

\\ Sekiranya mau terima cabaran Satu Karya Setiap Hari Sehingga Maria Bebas, silakan. Lukisan, lagu, puisi, cerpen, konsep, persembahan, foto, apa saja.

Hashtag #bebasMaria #MansuhSOSMA #Art4Maria

This is something I started in response to the detention of Maria Chin Abdullah, Chairperson of Bersih 2.0. Bersih is a movement for free and fair elections in Malaysia. Maria was arrested on 18 Nov 2016 under SOSMA (Security Offenses Special Measures Act 2012), a cruel and draconian law that allows for detention without trial. She is being held in an undisclosed location, in a 15 x 8ft windowless cell, in solitary confinement.

I am posting these to my Facebook page, but I will archive them here too, to be accessible across platforms.

#2) 24 Nov 2016 – Day 6 in detention


flowersword001 flowersword002 flowersword003 flowersword004 flowersword005 flowersword006 flowersword007 flowersword008 flowersword009 flowersword010 flowersword011 flowersword012



You are welcome to take part in One Artwork A Day Until Maria is Released challenge. Drawings, songs, poems, fiction, concept art, performance, photos, anything.

\\ Sekiranya mau terima cabaran Satu Karya Setiap Hari Sehingga Maria Bebas, silakan. Lukisan, lagu, puisi, cerpen, konsep, persembahan, foto, apa saja.

Hashtag #bebasMaria #MansuhSOSMA #Art4Maria


This is something I started in response to the detention of Maria Chin Abdullah, Chairperson of Bersih 2.0. Bersih is a movement for free and fair elections in Malaysia. Maria was arrested on 18 Nov 2016 under SOSMA (Security Offenses Special Measures Act 2012), a cruel and draconian law that allows for detention without trial. She is being held in an undisclosed location, in a 15 x 8ft windowless cell, in solitary confinement.

I am posting these to my Facebook page, but I will archive them here too, to be accessible across platforms. In descriptions of the artwork, I provide Malay translations in blue.


#1) 23 Nov 2016 – Day 5 in detention


– Interactive installation
\\ Instalasi (seni pemasangan) interaktif

– 15 x 8ft area on the floor marked with baracade tape and black tarpaulin sheet. Inside the area: 2 torchlights, 2 placards listing the conditions of Maria’s detention + SOSMA = KEZALIMAN. Outside the area: Placard with title and instructions to the public. Only one person to enter at a time
\\ Kain tarpaulin hitam seluas 15 x 8 kaki atas lantai, tepinya pita rintangan hitam-kuning. Di dalam: 2 lampu suluh, papan tanda huraikan keadaan tahanan Maria yang teruk dan SOSMA = KEZALIMAN. Di luar: Papan tanda dengan tajuk karya dan arahan untuk audiens.

– Let people experience with their own bodies the condition of solitary confinement
\\ Biar audiens rasakan dengan tubuh mereka sendiri keadaan tahanan berseorangan

– Tap into, subvert selfie culture – people are invited to take photos of themselves in that 15 x 8ft space
\\ Gunapakai budaya selfie – audiens ambil gambar di ruang 15 x 8 kaki itu dan sebarkan online



You are welcome to take part in One Artwork A Day Until Maria is Released challenge. Drawings, songs, poems, fiction, concept art, performance, photos, anything.

\\ Sekiranya mau terima cabaran Satu Karya Setiap Hari Sehingga Maria Bebas, silakan. Lukisan, lagu, puisi, cerpen, konsep, persembahan, foto, apa saja.

Hashtag #bebasMaria #MansuhSOSMA #Art4Maria